The cultural agenda of Laba for the last quarter of 2024 is now available! Check it out.
31 October 2021
Visit of the new Italian Ambassador to Cameroon Filippo SCAMMACCA DEL MURGO, the Deputy Ambassador and the Consul.
Writing on art
December 6th- 7th and 10th
Journalism and perspectives on artistic promotion in Cameroon.
Organized by "CAM-ON! Promoting art and culture: Capacity building, social business and education in Cameroon"
02 - 11/07/2017 - Paolo Cascone, coordinator and professor at the African Fabbers School, and the collegue Maddalena Laddaga closed their first visit in Cameroon to set and start the African Fabbers School in Cameroon. They met up with artists and potential students, analyzed traditional techniques and materials for the implementation of the activity. One first launch workshop with some students at LABA anticipated the subject of the School. Starting date of the activity will be published soon.
07/20/2017 from 10 am to 2 pm - On the framework of CAM ON! project, Afro Fashion Association organizes the Conference on the emergence of the African fashion, on July 20th at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé. the Ministry of Culture and the Italian Ambassador are taking part to discuss African fashion present and future and its impact abroad. The conference anticipates the contest to select a number of students to take part to the Workshop on 2018 in Douala.
Inauguration of the activities of the cultural project CAM-ON! PROMOTING ART AND CULTURE: CAPACITY BUILDING, SOCIAL ENTERPRISE AND INSTRUCTION IN CAMEROON by the Italian Ambassador to Cameroon Samuela Isopi with the opening of the exhibition "On the Meeting Esplanade strong>". The curator of the exhibition is Paul-Henri S. Assako Assako, Scientific and Artistic Director of the project.
23rd to 26th November, in Douala, at the Akwa Festival Hall and from 30th to 3rd December at the Lecture Theatre of the French Institute. Partner of the edition, the LABA, its students and teachers enhance the event by presenting various projects from the training workshops of the Academy.
17th to 23rd October - LABA Douala LABA partners with the Consulate of Italy in Douala to celebrate the week of the Italian language in Cameroon.
From 16 th to 27th July 2016 - LABA Douala
LABA welcomes young schoolchildren on holiday in the city of Douala for workshops aimed at introducing them to artistic expression.
12th May 2016 – LABA Douala Evidence of the support and encouragement by the Italian Embassy to the formative offer proposed by he COE through the IFA and LABA to young Cameroonians in the field of art.
TALK with Stefano Boeri, Architect and Urban Planner and Paul-Henri Gift Assako Assako, Director LABA Douala
Official presentation event of LABA DOUALA | LIBRE Académie des Beaux-Arts
As part of the international cooperation project sponsored by COE and LABA in Cameroon.
In artistic education in Cameroon Monday 26, Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28 Octobereì 2015 LABA Douala
17th to 21st February 2016 - LABA Douala
The students enrolled in the preparatory year present LABA and its training offer to the public, based on the work done by specialization, with practical workshops.